HabibiDeal's primary source of business was generated through indirect marketing and heavily skewed towards branding and engagement. With indirect marketing, they were able to get impressive results but had difficulty in scaling.
Their business model before working with ROI Hunter was as follows:
- Get leads from interested consumers using post engagement
- Have them make a Fast Order (a Fast Order is an option for a person to select the product they want and then leave behind their contact details)
- Convert the FO into a sale through their customer care with a call to the consumer
However, the most significant missing piece of their online marketing puzzle was the ability to calculate revenue / ROI automatically and optimize ads based on their customer’s actions.
HabibiDeal Homepage
To help HabibiDeal overcome their challenges we:
- Measured every relevant user action by creating custom metrics
- Optimized the campaigns to work toward meeting these actions using or Performance Goals
- Finally, we began to enhance the creatives and optimize campaigns based on their performance with our Template Editor and suite of dynamic videos
HabibiDeal already had the classic pixel event in place that they used to measure website purchases. However, they were unable to estimate Fast Orders because they required a different kind of event. As a result, we hacked the AddToWishlist event to be used to track their Fast Orders. The parameters were used to identify the content_ids, value and thus calculate the ROI.
We tracked consumers who converted through these Fast Orders and used them as a source to create highly effective Lookalike Audience which helped in reaching the most relevant audience on Facebook. With the right measurement metrics in place, optimization was just a click away. The "% of budget spent"parameter showed the ad sets that were spending the daily budget entirely and Goals shows if those ad sets were meeting the KPI's as well.
ROI Hunter's custome metric was used to calculate
- Total Orders = Purchase Count + Add to Wishlist Count
- Total Revenue = Purchase Revenue + Add to Wishlist Revenue
- Total ROI = (Purchase Revenue + Add to Wishlist Revenue) / Spend
Purchase event = Online Purchases Add to Wishlist event = Offline Payment Orders
We did not stop here since we also wanted to make sure that the ads are visually enhanced. With the help of ROI Hunter's Template Editor and predefined templates, transforming the images was just a one-click solution. The model was able to show the price, sale price and name of the product, and the discount percentage on the ads dynamically.
Tools Used
- Custom Metrics
- Add to Wishlist Event
- % budget spent
- Template Editor
HabibiDeal Tools Used
Along with product insights from Google Analytics and the right optimization events, HabibiDeal was able to achieve the following results:
- 160% increase in ROI or 2.6X increase in ROI
- 75.4% decrease in CPA
- 341% increase in Conversion Rate or 4.4X increase in Conversion Rate
- 413% increase in Transactions or 4.1X increase in Transactions