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Take this Return on Ad Spend and Turn it up to 211%

Elaraby Group is the leading manufacturer and provider of household appliances and home electronics in North Africa and the Middle East. Originally established by three brothers in Egypt in 1964, Elaraby Group has grown to include tens of thousands of employees and 15 brick-and-mortar locations, in addition to their online presence.

Lower CPA
Higher Conversion Rate
Higher ROAS

The Challenge

Elaraby Group wanted to scale their promotions with Google Smart Shopping. They had been running Smart Shopping campaigns already with some success at the overall catalogue level. 

Smart Shopping campaigns are dynamic, meaning they pull product details directly from the retailer’s entire catalogue, optimizing towards the performance of the full catalogue. Some key parameters to the retailer might not be highlighted and taken into consideration, such as profitability, best-seller status, and revenue, which might lead to some key products not being prioritized. 

Elaraby wanted a way to determine which products were their best-sellers (across all channels, not just Google), and to ensure that those products all received promotion.


The Solution

ROI Hunter’s solution for Elaraby came in three parts:

  1. Integrate data
  2. Create a filter to find best-sellers
  3. Create a product group for these items

First, ROI Hunter connected data from each of Elaraby’s channels, integrating it into a single source of truth within the ROI Hunter platform. This integration made it possible to review product-level details like margin, number of views, stock level, etc., which made it simple to sort products based on their individual performance.

With the data integrated, ROI Hunter created a filter to find the best-sellers. They eventually settled on a filtration of “products with more than 10 transactions on Google Analytics within 7 days.” Elaraby wanted to test the success of this new product group against the full catalogue, so ROI Hunter helped them to create a separate campaign, budget, and bid to run alongside the initial promotion, ensuring there was no overlap. This new product group made it simple for Elaraby to be certain that the products they wanted promoted were being promoted. As new products matching the filter were added to the catalogue, they were also automatically added to the new product group.


The Results

Once enough data had been collected, ROI Hunter compared the results of the “Best-seller product group” against the results of the full catalogue. The results were staggering: cost per acquisition was way lower; 76% lower! Conversion rates had also improved, seeing an uplift of 38%. Finally, and most significantly, there was a massive increase in return on ad spend (ROAS), which was  up by 211%.

Elaraby had everything set-up and ready. All it took was additional data and more control over campaign optimizations to more than double their returns.


Manal Negm Eldin
Manal Negm Eldin, Head of Digital & Omnichannel at Elaraby

“ROI Hunter helped us improve the efficiency and performance of smart shopping campaigns. We were able to reach potential buyers by isolating best seller products in a separate smart shopping campaign which resulted in a significant decrease in cost per acquisition by 76%, increase in conversion rate by 38%, and increased return on ad spend by 211%"

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