It might sometimes seem that when your competitors appear to be asleep, you can take a well-deserved break too. You have just finished your holiday campaigns with a bang and there is not a cloud on the Christmas horizon. We are here to throw a much necessary shade on this serene scene.
Before fully committing yourself to cake-eating and present-unwrapping bliss for the coming few weeks, answer two questions:
If you answered ‘yes’ to both, feel free to go back to binge-eating brussels sprouts! If not, read on for the perfect last minute checklist for catching all the customers that got away during the holiday rush.
Now is your perfect chance to engage with:
Your post-holiday audience segments need to reflect the changing customer needs. Take a look at your successful target groups from past year and shake up your product offers. Excluding holiday-themed gifts as a given, create unique user paths to keep your loyal customers engaged:
Don’t worry, ROI Hunter will handle the transition into the new year by getting you the returns and saving your time.
>>> Automate from home: Set up Custom audiences from CRM, Automate KPIs with autorules and refine audiences to target highly relevant people only. Set all once and let it roam free over the break.
>>> Not in a rush? Prepare and save campaigns into Drafts for later, or let your colleagues log in and turn them on for you. Drafts will save your time on setting similar campaigns.
>>> Enhance images with our Template Editor (aka TEDi) using any shapes, scheduling the times for new creatives to be pushed in automatically.
>>> Use conditions on an extra layer for items that are scheduled to go on Sale – just time the switch from full price to discount and let it happen automatically. For example, add “-40%” under “custom label”, letting ROI Hunter place it into the image template automatically.
>>> If your feed contains the tag “sale_price”, ROI Hunter can display discounted price automatically, increasing your CTR.
>>> Finally, qualify those elusive sales-hunters by filtering your existing core audience and sending your ads exactly where they are needed!